health and wealth英文小作文(health and wealth)

导读 大家好,小阳来为大家解答以上的问题。health and wealth英文小作文,health and wealth这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1

大家好,小阳来为大家解答以上的问题。health and wealth英文小作文,health and wealth这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、As we know, wealth and health is a hot topic. Some people think of health is the most essential thing. But some people consider that wealth is everything, if you have not enough money, you can not do anything. Besides, other holds that wealth and health is equally. In my opinion, I believe that health is more important than wealth. Firstly, keeping healthy first if you want to become healthy, even though you can buy beautiful clothes with a lot of money, you can not buy family , friendship and a piece of wholehearted. Sometimes money can buy happiness, but only if one’s amounts get bigger and other people are not getting more. Secondly, if you haven not health, you can do nothing. As we know, needs are limited, but not greed. If you have not health, I believe that you won’t have any desire and greed, in addition to want to become health up. Finally, I think health is life, also is kind of treasure, the first wealth is health. And there is not wealth is above the health. Sometimes, people will fall if they have a lot of money.In conclusion, I think health is the most important. We should do our ability to protect their own health, only in this way can we achievements we life values.As we know, wealth and health isa hot topic.Some people think of health is the most essential thing. But some people consider that wealth is everything, if you have not enough money, you can not do anything. Besides, other holdsthat wealth and health is equally. In my opinion, I believe that health is more important than wealth.Firstly, keeping healthy first if youwant to become healthy, even though you can buy beautiful clothes with a lot of money, you can not buy family , friendship and a piece of wholehearted. Sometimes money can buy happiness, but only if one’s amounts get bigger and other people are not getting more. Secondly, if you haven not health,you can do nothing. As we know,needs are limited, but not greed. If you have not health, I believe that you won’t have any desire and greed, in addition to want tobecome health up. Finally, I think health is life, also is kind of treasure, the first wealth is health. And there is not wealth is above the health. Sometimes, people will fall if they have a lot of money.In conclusion, I think health is the most important. We should do our ability to protect their own health, only in this way can we achievements we life values.oh ! may be you should write liake this :the first ,some eating the second,doing some exect很高兴为您解答:到网上找找看希望我的回答对您有帮助,祝您学习进步,工作顺心。



